Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Holy Goodness GRUB!

Last Saturday we went to a casual engagement party get together with friends and we went to none other than the famous PHNOM PENH Restaurant in Chinatown!!
This must be one of my top ten places to eat in Vancouver...definitely a top hole-in-the-wall contender!

Here are my top 3:
number three:
Phnom Penh 3 copy
Fried Chicken! Everyone ALWAYS talks about the chicken!

number two:
Phnom Penh 2 copy
#35 - "Luc Lac" beef filet on rice with egg (without egg is #34 I think) There were 10 people in our group and 5 of us ordered this... my friend Wilson who just got back from Cambodia said that he ordered this everywhere but none was as good as the Phnom Penh's restaurant...

number one:

Phnom Penh 1 copy
#46 on the menu - soup with prawns, tomato, pineapple (sorry don't know the name although I get this everytime- will find out...) oh so tasty, you'll leave salivating for more! I can honestly say that I heart this soup.

So I guess I should mention the not so great side of Phnom Penh - the only thing I can say about them is that their noodle soup isn't spectacular and their menu was sticky as if fish sauce had been spilt all over it... other than that they are always so consistently yummy!

Phnom Penh Restaurant
244 Georgia Street East
Vancouver, BC V6A 1Z7
(604) 734-8898

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